Lleida (Catalonia, Spain), July 11 and 12, 2024

The cultural and tourism industries are experiencing an increasing convergence of interests. Tourism managers are turning to fictional content as an ally in the promotion of their destination and its cultural and natural heritage. The capacity of television series, films, literature, and video games to induce tourism is informing destination marketing strategies. The interest in the imaginaries created by popular fiction can help both to deseasonalize or redirect visitor flows and to put destinations that previously attracted little attention on the tourist map.


The relationship between fiction and tourism is a very active field of research. With this in mind, the fifth edition of the CITUR Conference, under the title “Fiction and Tourism,” invites researchers to submit papers of an analytical, theoretical, or methodological nature that address any of the following topics:

  • Effects of fiction on the perceived image of destinations, motivations, and intentions to visit
  • Effects of fiction on tourist experiences
  • Projected image of tourist destinations in film, television, literature, video games, etc.
  • Tourism induced by fiction: the placement of natural and cultural heritage in fiction
  • Representation of tourism and tourists in fiction
  • Stereotypes, tourism, and fiction
  • Fans and media pilgrimages
  • Common ground between the tourism and audiovisual industries: film commissions and destination marketing organizations
  • Typologies of film, television, literature, video games… tourism
  • Literary-audiovisual fiction and tourism
  • Effects of fiction on destinations
  • Research methods in film, television, literature, video games... tourism
  • Media celebrities and tourism promotion
  • Beyond fiction: travel, virtual reality, and tourism docudrama



Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Agencia Estatal de Investigación

Universitat de Lleida - Department of Philology and Communication

Universitat de València - Department of Language Theory and Communication Sciences



R&D&I project “Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the factors of audiovisual fiction that induce tourism, and its effects on audiences and potential tourists” (PID2020-112668GB-I00), funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033).



(Lleida University)


Vice-Rectorate for Culture and University Extension (Lleida University)